Minggu, 17 April 2011

Stop and Look

Wanna teach your children to cross the street savely? Try to sing this song. They love to sing, so we can give them the lesson and have fun together. I have listened to this song since I was little. Don't forget to dance together, too...

Stop and look
before you cross the street
use your eyes
befor you use your feet 
look right look left
and to the right again
this will save you from accident and pain

Stop and look
before you choose your way
use your eyes 
before you loose your way
ask Allah for guidance 
and you'll not go astray
you'll find peace and heaven too I say


Akhyari Zudhi mengatakan...

hebat kalo anak di kampungku bisa belajar nyanyi lagu itu..
lha orang tuanya aja enggak bisa bahasa inggris -_-"

shobria nurul mengatakan...

berarti dimulai dari anaknya antum dulu ^_*
kan bapaknya udah multibahasa, termasuk bahasa pemrograman, hehe...

Akhyari Zudhi mengatakan...

wek..aku ura bilingual lho, eh bilingualku indonesia-jawa ding :D ora pinter inggris oponeh pemrograman, *wis lali

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